Quick Hits
Safer waiting areas, including year round shelters and well lit pathways, and/or security cameras.
Why: This is a two for one. If you look at a map with the water taxi landings on it you will see that they basically surround the harbor. From a safety and security standpoint if you target these location with security cameras, increased lighting, shelters, etc. you are basically increasing safety and security of the harbor for all. A safer place to get onto and off of the water taxi boats will increase ridership. Using the college campus model there could also be “emergency call stands” installed at these locations as well.
Enhanced dock safety, including ramps for handicapped accessibility.
Why: This ranks up there with safe and secure landings. A modern dock will decrease wear-and-tear on the boats while increasing passenger transition time and safety. The new Harbor View and Locus Point docks are a work of art and have made a significant improvement on operations.
Digital Signage installations and a ‘next taxi’ app.
Why: All of the blue landing signs need to be converted into digital signs. Nine (9) out of thirteen (13) landings already have these signs. All of the existing signs are wired for electricity. Converting these signs to a digital format would be a lot cheaper than building a new one. For those landings that are co-used (Baltimore Water Taxi & Harbor Connector) the sign can represent both services by simply changing the graphics.
Enhanced car parking at landings.
Why: This might not be easy or inexpensive, but one option is to increase ridership through a public/private partnership with the local garages.
Enhanced bike racks on and off taxis, and/or bike share stations at landings.
Why: Integrating modes of transit is key to making Baltimore’s transit system efficient and effective.
Expansion of ‘on demand’ water taxi service.
Why: Uber has been very effective helping people move around Baltimore without owning a car. Its extension to water taxi service further increases mobility for residents and tourists.
Work Group Members
“Demetria Barrett, Chair“,”Campaign Consultation, Inc.”
Mike Brenner,Betamore
Chris Janian,Beatty Development
Craig Purcell,Brown Craig Turner
Zachary Rogers,Harborcare
Bill Struever,Cross Street Partners
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