Time: 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Location: Campaign Consultation, Inc. (1001 N. Calvert Street)
Robin Budish, Art Cohen, Peter Duvall, Jeff LaNoue, Hans Mayer, Brian O’Malley (Chair), Jimmy Rouse
Welcome and Introductions:
Brian O’Malley opened the meeting and welcomed Hans Mayer to the work group.
MAGLEV – How does it fit with the vision for rail transit?
- Brian O’Malley shared an article and related Facebook comments responding to the possibility of bringing MAGLEV rail transit to Baltimore. The majority of the comments were consistent in nature by stating that Maglev would serve people with the most economic needs, and not people of lower income given the cost of ridership and travel routes – please see attached article. Further, Brian reported the Greater Baltimore Committee supports Maglev, and that Governor Hogan will be applying for funding to complete a Maglev study. The CMTA’s current focus is on real and immediate projects.
MTA – “Growth & Investment Plans”
- Brian O’Malley mentioned that Zach Chissell, new with the MTA is working on Growth and Investment Plans for each mode of transit. As such, it was suggested that Zach be invited to a future work group meeting to share his findings. Brian will follow up with Pat Keller, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer at MTA and report back.
How Transit Projects are Funded – Three case studies
- Local Options for Funding Transit: Brian O’Malley presented information on Los Angeles, Fairfax and Seattle.
“Quick Hits” Update:
- Jimmy Rouse reported that we need a new point person at CityDOT to continue momentum with the implementation of the Quick Hits given that all previous point persons are no longer with the agency. As a next step, Jimmy will contact William Johnson (Director) to discuss the plan of action moving forward.
- Whitman Requardt has submitted their Water Transit report to Veronica McBeth, Transit Bureau Chief at CityDOT outlining their recommendations for the Baltimore Water Taxi. The report, once it becomes final will be released to the public.Other Business
- Peter Duvall suggested that the Rail Transit wok group explore the possibility of building a metro station between the Shot Tower and Johns Hopkins Hospital. This route would add to the Green line extension.
- The June 2015 Opportunity Collaborative report titled “Baltimore Regional Plan for Sustainable Development” has been released. Briefly summarized, we have a wealthy region with lots of jobs, yet high concentrations of poverty and no jobs. The immediate need is to connect these people to jobs. The report contains a “Menu of Strategies” for improving transportation such as access to better, affordable housing. Jimmy Rouse asked the question, now that the report has been released, what happens next? Brian O’Malley responded that the report will be useful if the strategies are implemented. Click on the link to read the full report: www.opportunitycollaborative.org/assets/RPSD_Final_June_2015.pdf?ae56d8
- Stu Sirota (Envision Baltimore) is the new deputy secretary of planning for the state.
- There will be no work group meeting scheduled in the month of August.