Wednesday, March 27, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Register Here!
Join us for the Baltimore City Council President Candidates Forum: “Leadership for Improving Transportation” at The Real News Network, 231 N. Holliday Street – Baltimore, MD 21202.
Now is the time for a serious discussion about the path forward for transportation planning in Baltimore: Transportation Infrastructure. Reliability. Access to jobs. Economic Development. Traffic Fatalities. The Climate Crisis. Public Health. What will each Candidate do to improve the transportation system for the City? Learn more about their transportation platform and priorities.
Zeke Cohen
Shannon Sneed
Invited: Council President Nick Mosby
Can’t attend? You can catch the livestream here.
Have a question for the Candidates? Complete the audience question submission form here..
For more information please contact Robin Budish: robin@transitchoices.org
Thank you.