Hello Transportation Advocates,
In the spirit of collaboration with other transit organizations, Transit Choices remains busy during COVID-19 by advocating and supporting important issues in the public transit arena. We are collectively fighting to protect transit funding during the pandemic!
Given that public transportation provides people with mobility and access, you can rest assured that we are monitoring the situation and reaching out to transit agencies and other sources for the latest information and updates.
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has compiled the following topic-specific resources to help make the case for public transportation:
Cities with Higher Public Transit Use Can Cut Their Road Traffic Death Rate In Half
How much safer is riding public transit than traveling by car? As we look toward solutions, an analysis recently released by the American Public Transportation and the Vision Zero Network shows that public transportation is an effective, and we believe, essential, solution to helping cities move toward the goal of zero deaths and injuries on our roadways. Read more here
Economic Impact of Public Transit / The Business Case for Investment in Public Transportation Mobility in the United States is undergoing an evolution, driving new partnerships and challenging the traditional boundary between public and private realms. In fact, much of the innovation in transportation is coming from private sector, venture capital-backed support of smarter cities through technology. Though viewed as a primarily public-sector function, public transportation is proving to be the backbone of the multimodal, on-demand economy that private sector innovation is driving today. Read more here
Transit Asset Management / Why improve transit asset management? Transit asset management (TAM) is a business model that prioritizes funding based on condition and performance to achieve and maintain a state of good repair (SGR) for the nation’s public transportation assets. It is a strategic and systematic process through which an organization procures, operates, maintains, rehabilitates, and replaces transit assets to manage their performance, risks, and costs over their lifecycle to provide safe, cost-effective, and reliable service to current and future customers. Read more here
Recent Webinars
Why Transit Agencies Need the Public to Take Ownership of the Transit Experience
presented by the Eno Center for Transportation
Watch the Recording here
July 9, 2020 – In this webinar, Saba Long and Alice Grossman talked about why transportation organizations should invite the public to take an active role in improving public transportation. Participants heard from Saba about how the MARTA Army, a volunteer-led effort, is helping to make transit in Atlanta more accessible through operations like Bus Stop Census and TimelyTrip. Through Bus Stop Census, more than 1,000 bus stops have been surveyed by the public, providing critical information such as safety and accessibility conditions. MARTA Army has crowdfunded the purchase of dozens of trashcans to be placed at bus stops. Through Operation Feed-an-Operator, the organization has distributed more than 12,000 meals to furloughed and frontline transit workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Speakers:
Saba Long, Founder, Obelisk Strategies
Alice Grossman Ph.D., Senior Policy Analyst, Eno Center for Transportation
Be Well. Stay Safe. Stay Connected.
Thank you.