BRTB Issues Response to Comments on $74 billion transportation investment plan
and Air Quality Conformity

On June 20, the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board closed its comment period on the draft long-range transportation plan, Resilience 2050: Adapting to the Challenges of Tomorrow, the short-range 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program, and the Air Quality Conformity Determination. During the comment period, over 4,800 people visited the project website and over 120 comments were shared, including many from individuals representing larger organizations, coalitions and other stakeholder groups. Comments reflect positive sentiment toward investments in transit, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and negative sentiment toward investments in roadways. Another significant object of negative sentiment is air quality and climate change. All comments were shared with BRTB members who worked with staff to respond to comments. The BRTB is very appreciative of the effort so many individuals and organizations have gone through to review materials and send in comments. This is informative for all of our members and does have an impact on the planning process. The BRTB response to comments can be seen here. The BRTB will vote on the final documents on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 9 a.m. This meeting is open to the public and anyone who wishes to speak before the BRTB may sign up to do so before the vote. ABOUT RESILIENCE 2050 $74 billion in transportation investments are being planned for the next 25+ years. Planned investments include funding for operating and preserving the transportation system along with specific projects including new transit capacity, roadway widening, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and interchange projects. With a projected population growth of 12.6 percent by 2050, the region’s transportation system – including roads and bridges, transit, sidewalks, bicycle and shared-use paths – will face factors such as increased demand, changing user needs and climate impacts. The investments detailed in the Resilience 2050 long-range transportation plan would help us meet those challenges within the limits of anticipated funding. The projects in the 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program are closer to being implemented, with committed funding and ongoing or imminent design and development. To dig into the plans, learn more about projects near you and review the BRTB response to comments, please go to |
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