Road to Recovery Webinar: The Federal Role in Transit’s COVID Recovery

Road to Recovery
The Federal Role in Transit’s COVID Recovery

Hello Transportation Advocates,

We joined the Eno Center for Transportation on June 17, 2020 to listen to a panel discussion on what role the federal government will play in keeping public transportation moving, and what does federal policy look like in a recovery for transit.

Public transportation has been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. The stay at home orders have dramatically reduced ridership, fares, and tax revenues, while the ongoing health concerns about the virus make a return to normal timeline far from certain. Meanwhile, public transportation has demonstrated its value as an essential service during the pandemic, and it will remain essential for an economic recovery. The federal government has recognized this, providing $25B in emergency funding in the CARES Act that for the first time included flexibility to spend on operations.

Robert Puentes, President and CEO, Eno Center for Transportation
Christopher Pangilinan, Head of Global Policy, Public Transportation, Uber
Grace Crunican, Former General Manager, BART
Darnell Grisby, Director of Policy Development and Research, APTA

We are pleased to share the Recorded Webinar below with you.

Be Well. Stay Safe. Stay connected.

Thank you.