You’re Invited
This is a friendly reminder of the Transit Choices virtual meeting being held via Zoom on Thursday, May 11, 2023 from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM.
We are delighted to announce our featured guest speakers:

Mark Edelson, Esq.
Maryland State Delegate
District 46
Presentation: “Maryland General Assembly – 2023 Session around transit update“
Synopsis: Delegate Edelson will provide an update on the Maryland 2023 legislative agenda and the status of the top transportation bills.

Ruth Farfel
Analysis & Engagement team
The Fund for Educational Excellence

Kwane Wyatt
Analysis & Engagement team
The Fund for Educational Excellence

Lee Domeika
Leadership Team
Baltimoreans for Educational Equity
Presentation: “NOT IN SERVICE a Year-and-a-Half Later: Transit Equity for City Schools Students”
Synopsis: Since the release of the report, NOT IN SERVICE: Why Public Transit Must Aim to Service Students, Baltimoreans for Educational Equity and The Fund for Educational Excellence have been partnering to ensure Baltimore City students have safe and reliable transportation to get to and from school. During this presentation, we will share developments regarding student transit equity and the ways we are continuing to advocate for students.

Presentation: “The Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel” – a perspective from ground zero
Synopsis: Residents Against The Tunnels will present their view of the proposed plan, its dangers and flaws.
If you wish to receive the Zoom link for this meeting please contact
Closed captioning will be available throughout the online meeting.
All are welcome!
Thank you.