You’re Invited
This is a friendly reminder of the Transit Choices meeting being held via Zoom on Thursday, January 27, 2022
from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM.
Please join us for a discussion with our special guest speakers:

K. Jade Clayton
Manager, Project Development Division
Maryland Transit Administration
Presentation: “The Statewide Transit Plan: A 50-Year Vision for Coordinated, Equitable, and Innovative Transit”
Synopsis: The MDOT MTA has unveiled a draft of the Statewide Transit Plan designed to provide a roadmap for a comprehensive, connected transit system for current riders and for future generations. MDOT MTA is seeking public comment on the 50-year plan that includes long-term and immediate goals to fulfill the agency mission of providing safe, efficient and reliable transit across Maryland with world-class customer service. The draft document lists 25 transit connections and 31 strategies that will help the state meet future travel needs and improve access between Maryland regions and neighboring states. Significant transit connections include MARC run-through rail service into Virginia, new and improved intercity connections to Western Maryland and the Eastern Shore, and improvements to Northeast Corridor rail service and Frederick Douglass Tunnel. The public comment period is open through February 18, 2022. Comments can be provided online at The STP builds on existing regional plans like the Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan by integrating proposed transit projects and strategies from different counties and regions into one coordinated statewide plan, addressing not only MDOT MTA-operated service but also over twenty local and regional transit providers and other private and non-profit providers across the state.
Following the MTA’s presentation with Q&A, Jimmy Rouse will present a review of Transit Choices’ advocacy efforts.

Jimmy Rouse
Transit Choices
If you wish to receive the Zoom link for this meeting please contact
Closed captioning will be available throughout the online meeting.
All are welcome!
Thank you.