Darcy Accardi, Pres Adams, Liz Briscoe, Robin Budish, Scott Burkholder, Art Cohen, Grant Corley, Lindsey Davis, Collins Downing, Charlie Duff, Peter Duvall, Kathy Epstein, John Gasparine, Tony Green, Kristen Harbeson, Paulo Gregory Harris, Bob Hellauer, Todd Lang, Jeff LaNoue, Maura Mahoney, Benoit Mayaux, Robert Milner, Ed Myers, Brian O’Malley, Caroline Peri, Sallye Perrin, Klaus Philipsen, Jimmy Rouse, Nick Sheridan, Carol Silldorff, Jill Sorensen, Kristin Speaker, Maris St. Cyr, Michele Whelley
Moderator: Ed Myers, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Ed welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the attendees for coming.
He then introduced and turned the meeting over to guest speaker, Todd Lang.
Presentation: Todd Lang Director, Transportation Planning with the Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Topic: “The Role of the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board in Transportation Funding”
- Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (The Baltimore Region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization)
- What is the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (MPO)?
- Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Urbanized areas >50,000 pop
- 390+ nationwide (178 COGs)
- 11 member board
- Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford & Howard Counties
- Cities of Annapolis & Baltimore
- State Agencies (MDOT, MDP, MDE & MTA)
- Planning & Programming the Region’s Federal Surface Transportation Funds
- What They Do: Plans & Programs
- Long-Range Transportation Plan
- Every 4 years
- Current: Plan It 2035 (2016-2035)
- Short-term Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
- Developed 1x/year
- Current: 2014-2017 TIP
- Amendments (as needed)
- Federal Certification: Review of the MPO Planning Process
- Air Quality Considerations
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
- Congestion Management Process
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Intermodal Activities / Freight Planning
- Long-Range Transportation Plan
- Public Involvement
- Safety Considerations in the Planning Process
- Security Considerations in the Planning Process
- Title VI / Transportation Disadvantaged Program
- Transit Planning
- Transportation Financial Planning
- Transportation Improvement Program
- Unified Planning Work Program (Annual Work Program)
- The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Local Projects
- Annapolis
- Bicycle Master Plan – development of a Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) for the City
- Transit Planning – assess deficiencies and gaps in continuity
- Pedestrian Way Finding Systems
- Multi-Modal Transportation Center
- Anne Arundel
- Odenton Town Center – Determine the surface transportation needs
- Transit investment –Model and evaluate Transit Investment Corridors
- Bike/Ped Facility Access – assess deficiencies and gaps in continuity
- Complete Streets Applications
- Baltimore City
- Accident Database – crash data and to perform accident safety studies
- Bicycle Master Plan –Continue implementation of the City’s Bicycle Master Plan
- Southeast Port Access – In cooperation with the Maryland Port Administration
- Tour Bus Facility Study
- Commercial Vehicle Enforcement – asses and manage freight movement
- Strategic Safety Plan
- Baltimore County
- Plan Refinement –highway/transit systems usage projections and needs analyses
- Trip Generation Study – pilot study of residential trip generation rates
- Western County Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan – Phase Two of a county-wide plan
- Carroll County
- Freedom Area Bike/Pedestrian Study
- Harford County
- MD 22 Corridor Study – Perform traffic and safety analysis
- Howard County
- Transit planning – evaluates the impacts the Howard Transit service modifications
- Origin/Destination Columbia Town Center
- Bicycle Plan – Regionally-consistent Countywide Bike Plan
- Pedestrian Facility Assessment
- Annapolis
Discussion Points:
- Todd Lang explained that as the director of Transportation, he acts as the liaison between The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and all sub-committees. Further, he added that The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is a voluntary pact of local governments who share a common vision.
- Jimmy Rouse raised the question about what metro and light rail expansions are planned for 2035? Todd Lang responded for (2016-2035) 1) Metro up to North Avenue on the east end, 2) Red Line, 3) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Howard County and 4) Light Rail from BWI to Arundel Mills and Columbia.
- Brian O’Malley inquired about “Opportunity Collaborative”, previously known as the Baltimore Sustainable Communities Initiative. Todd responded that a 3.5 million dollar grant from HUD awarded in the Baltimore region 1 ½ years ago for affordable housing and work force development. These issues are discussed at a region-wide level.
- Todd Lang stated that the budget process for 2015 is done in April 2014, therefore, if Transit Choices wants to get transit projects in the 2015 budget we must get them into the City and State budgets by the April 2014 deadline.
Presentation: “Transit Choices Vision Guiding Principles “(Paulo Gregory Harris, Jill Sorensen, Art Cohen, Klaus Philipsen)
- Transit Guiding Principles are needed to help frame our purpose – what are we doing, why, how, etc.
- Key distinguishing elements of the Transit Guiding Principles are framed by the three primary areas of focus – assuring user friendly transit, equitable and sustainable access, and comprehensive, multi-modal coordination of transportation in Central Maryland.
- The Transit Guiding Principles should begin with the Problem/Challenge which ultimately leads to the Solution/Vision.
- Charlie Duff praised the draft Guiding Principles stating that aside from some minor changes, it was a wonderful document.
- Klaus Philipsen stated that the litmus test for “user friendly” is to be able to use one ticket for all transit modalities
Action Item:
The next strategic step will be for each work group to review the draft Guiding Principles document, reach a consensus on any changes they would like to make to the document, and share those suggested changes with Robin Budish by January 31, 2014.
Next Steps: Jimmy Rouse
- Jimmy Rouse and Robin Budish will schedule meetings with the following City & State representatives to present and discuss the “Quick Hits” list of low cost, high visibility and high impact improvements to our transit system in 2014:
- Khalil Zaied, Deputy Chief of Operations, Mayor’s Office
- William Johnson, Director BCDOT
- Henry Kay, Executive Director and Robert Smith, MTA Administrator
- Jim Smith, Secretary MDOT and Leif Dormsjo, Deputy Secretary MDOT
- It was suggested that work groups begin discussing medium to long term infrastructure projects to create an inter–modal transit system beyond 2014
Other Business:
- Transit Choices group monthly meetings will resume in February 2014.
- Robin Budish acknowledged and thanked Jeff LaNoue, on behalf of the University of Baltimore for providing meeting space.