BALTIMORE, MD – Transit Choices, a Baltimore-based, not-for-profit transit coalition, announced it has received a Local Coalition Grant from the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) to support the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration’s (MDOT MTA) Transit Priority Initiative. The Transit Priority Initiative seeks to build upon infrastructure improvements associated with the launch of BaltimoreLink. MDOT MTA continues to work with local jurisdictions to plan transit investments that will improve bus reliability, speed, and passenger/pedestrian safety throughout the BaltimoreLink system.
“We look forward to working with MDOT MTA to promote transit investments which will improve commute times and safety across the BaltimoreLink system,” said Jimmy Rouse, Co-Founder, Transit Choices. “We hope to raise public awareness about MDOT MTA’s efforts and encourage Baltimore residents to actively engage in the investment planning process.”
Transit Choices will highlight MDOT MTA’s Transit Priority Toolkit, which outlines how different types of roadway treatments can positively impact factors like bus delays, reliability, and pedestrian/bicycle safety. MDOT MTA has partnered with Baltimore City Department of Transportation and is gathering feedback from Baltimore residents and elected officials located along priority BaltimoreLink corridors. The work of Transit Choices will seek to amplify MDOT MTA’s outreach and education efforts in order raise awareness of the potential benefits of transit-prioritizing infrastructure.
“We look forward to working collaboratively with Transit Choices to raise awareness about our Transit Priority Initiative,” said MDOT MTA Administrator Kevin Quinn. “We appreciate APTA’s continued support of local transit coalitions and their continued advocacy and education work.”
Transit Choices expects the project to conclude in spring 2020.
Transit Choices is a coalition of business organizations, universities, cultural institutions, developers, environmental groups, community groups, transportation planners, young entrepreneurs, and concerned individuals joined together by the vision of creating a real public transit system in Baltimore. Our goal is to transform Baltimore into a more livable, walkable 21st century City. www.transitchoices.org