March 10, 2015

Time: 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Location: Campaign Consultation, Inc. (1001 N. Calvert Street)

Attendees: Brian O’Malley, Chair, Art Cohen, Brian Greenan, Klaus Philipsen, Jimmy Rouse, Sandy Sparks

Welcome and Introductions
Brian O’Malley, Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Signal Prioritization Study Update:

  • Brian Greenan described his involvement through the Mayor’s Office
    and now BDC with bi-monthly DOT meetings.  Adjustments to signal timing done in November have improved travel time by 1 minute in Lexington Market/Centre Street corridor.  Additional changes to be implemented in spring 2015 should reduce travel time further.  MTA plans to evaluate the results in June.  Jimmy Rouse pointed out that Ed Myers with Kittleson and Associates thinks 7 minutes can be trimmed with full signal prioritization implemented.
  • Baseball game light rail times are not efficient and are negative for branding.
  • The Rail Group’s three Quick Hits: Signal prioritization, mapping, and on-time mobile apps.

Other Business:

  • Brian Greenan announced that BDC has a representative serving on each of the five Transit Choices Working Groups.
  • There was discussion about the shortcoming of the MTA Tracker app and public frustration.  Robert Smith wants new app based on open data now available, rather than defaulting to schedule-based information.
  • Jimmy Rouse opened discussion about the Rail Group developing a system with streetcars, rapid bus, etc. beyond the Red Line.
  • The work group should revisit the long-term plan/priorities developed a year ago by Jill Sorensen, Art Cohen and Paolo Gregory Harris.
  • Brian Greenan updated BDC plans for transit-oriented development on the Westside and the value of the Lexington market public survey (7,000 participants). Discussed importance of pedestrian quality for connectedness between modes and appeal to millennials.  Brian asked to make a 30-minute presentation to the work group at an upcoming meeting on the Westside development highlighting design guidelines for the area, rather than one-off project development.
  • Jimmy Rouse is working on a map to show transit connections on all MTA vehicles.  Also supporting BNIP rerouting efforts.  The group discussed that a survey could be a tool to establish priorities for improving transit and build broader support.