Public Meeting
On January 27, 2022, the Baltimore City Department of Transportation held an informational meeting to discuss the public input process in support of the development of the DOT ADA Transition Plan. The team would like to gather community feedback on Americans with Disabilities (ADA) pedestrian infrastructure in Baltimore City.
The meeting materials are available for your review, including the Presentation as well as the Draft DOT ADA Transition Plan. Please send any ADA accommodation requests to Valorie LaCour, ADA Coordinator (
BCDOT has begun the development of the BCDOT ADA Transition Plan to bring noncompliant pedestrian facilities up to current ADA standards. The transition plan will prioritize locations and funding over multiple years to achieve full compliance.
When streets and sidewalks are safe, inviting, and universally accessible, people of all ages and abilities can stay mobile, and actively participate in their communities.
Thank you.