DOT (Outdoor Dining) 30-Day Public Comment Period

The Public Comment Period will be Open From: Friday, October 14th through the end of Monday, November 14th, 2022

Marly Cardona-Moz (410) 746-4577

Friday, October 14, 2022
Department of Transportation Announces 30-Day Public Comment Period for the Curbside Commerical Policy (Outdoor Dining)The Public Comment Period will be Open From:Friday, October 14th through the end of Monday, November 14th, 2022BALTIMORE, MD (October 14, 2022) — The Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) would like to advise residents and business owners that we are accepting comments on our proposed Curbside Commercial Policy regulating the design and use of outdoor dining spaces. The BCDOT is working to transition the Outdoor Dining Emergency Program to a permanent system which complies with the City’s Charter-required Minor Privilege permitting process. This proposed policy also seeks to clarify the process and provide specific guidelines to minimize confusion among applicants to the program.We want to invite you to read and share your feedback on the proposed regulation. In compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act, the 30-day public comment period will be open from Friday, October 14th through the end of Monday, November 14th, 2022. You may access the proposed policy and official notice for public comment period at the link below; the notice has instructions on how to share your comments via writing, phone, or email: Regulations for Public Comment | Baltimore City Department of Transportation The revised Curbside Commercial Policy/Outdoor Dining Program will not fall under the Community Led Placemaking Program.###