February 24, 2017As the 50th Mayor of Baltimore, I am honored to lead this city, and it is my pleasure to present this Transition Report.
Hundreds of people listened and worked together to produce this document. It began with a vision to move from where we are and what we’ve accomplished to creating a more inclusive and diverse distribution of our city’s assets and resources and creating a city that meets the needs of all of its citizens.
We asked teams of individuals to examine and provide solutions for some of Baltimore’s most visible problems, like crime, to challenges that were not as visible, like obtaining a permit to do work in the city. Committees were also reminded that diversity and inclusiveness are essential ingredients in creating a robust and vibrant economy.
Baltimore is a city with great potential. However, in some of our neglected neighborhoods, that potential is very hard to recognize. I raised the question of how do we create amenities for every neighborhood like sit-down restaurants, movie theaters, supermarkets, and businesses that provide for our everyday needs? Shouldn’t every neighborhood be treated the same and have access to the same resources?
Many of the recommendations in this report are easily blended into our vision for a bright and beautiful Baltimore. Others will require more concentrated efforts like ensuring great schools, clean mixed-income neighborhoods, and jobs for every citizen that wants to work.
On behalf of my administration, I want to thank the Chairs, Vice Chairs, members of the committees, agency support staff, and everyone who contributed to their efforts, for their time, expertise, and passion. The commitment they have shown to their neighbors and this City throughout this process has been inspiring.
View full report here: Pugh Transition Report (Final)