Public Transit Landscape in a Post COVID-19 World

May 26, 2020

Hello Transportation Advocates,

What does the public transit landscape look like in a POST COVID-19 WORLD? What are the issues and challenges that need to be addressed for a new understanding of the role of transit? The pandemic may offer us the opportunity to re-think and re-imagine what future public transit could look like.

Issues facing public transit – including but not limited to:

  • Funding
  • Equity
  • Sustainability
  • Efficiency
  • Multi-Modal
  • Infrastructure
  • New Technologies

Transit Choices will be addressing these and other relevant issues when we resume our monthly meetings. Each meeting will feature guest speakers who will share their expertise on the current state of public transit and the path forward.

Food for Thought

– “A Collection of Articles on Transportation in a Post Covid-19 World: Transportation Articles

CITYLAB – “A Post-Pandemic Reality Check for Transit Boosters”: CITYLAB Transit

American Public Transportation Association (APTA) “APTA, Industry Leaders Discuss COVID-19 Challenges and Need for Emergency Response and Recovery Funding”: APTA Emergency Response and Recovery Funding

“House Bill Provides $15.75 Billion of Additional COVID-19 Funding for Public Transit”: APTA Additional COVID-19 Funding

Our Vision

The development and implementation of a comprehensive and effective multi-modal public transit system is essential to Baltimore’s long-term sustainability, prosperity and relevance. A transit system that provides choices and links people to jobs and opportunities, offers a higher quality of life, a better environment, a healthier lifestyle and supports the local and regional economy.

Be Well. Stay Safe. We’re all in this Together.

Thank you.