You’re Invited!
This is a friendly reminder of the Transit Choices meeting being held via Zoom on Thursday, August 25, 2022 from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM. All meetings are free and open to the public.
Please join us for a discussion with our special guest speakers:

Allysha Lorber
Capital Planning Chief
Baltimore City Department of Transportation
Presentation: “Leveraging Funding, Leveraging Equity, Leveraging Baltimore”
Synopsis: Allysha Lorber is the new Capital Planning Chief with Baltimore City’s Department of Transportation and will share some of the Planning Division’s recent efforts focused on transit equity, safety, complete streets, and reconnecting communities.

Todd Lang
Director of Transportation Planning
Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Don Halligan
Senior Transportation Planner
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Presentation: “Summary of Multi-modal planning efforts at the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board and Baltimore Metropolitan Council”
Synopsis: Todd Lang, Director of Transportation Planning and Don Halligan, Senior Transportation Planner will share a summary of the Multi-modal planning efforts at the BRTB and BMC.
If you wish to receive the Zoom link for this meeting please contact
Closed captioning will be available throughout the online meeting.
All are welcome!
Thank you.