You’re Invited
This is a friendly reminder of the Transit Choices virtual meeting being held via Zoom on Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM.
We are delighted to announce our featured guest speaker:

Michael B. Kelly
Executive Director
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Presentation: “Recommendations from the Baltimore Metropolitan Council’s Transit Governance and Funding Workgroup”
Synopsis: BMC Executive Director Mike Kelly will present recommendations for reform from BMC’s Transit Governance and Funding Workgroup. The Workgroup was appointed by the BMC Board of Directors in the summer of 2022 to develop concrete strategies to equitable funding and governance of transit in the Baltimore region. The Workgroup’s final recommendations will be published in late January.
If you wish to receive the Zoom link for this meeting please contact
Closed captioning will be available throughout the online meeting.
All are welcome!
Thank you.