You’re Invited
This is a friendly reminder of the Transit Choices virtual meeting being held via Zoom on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM.
We are delighted to announce our featured guest speakers:

Robbyn Lewis
Maryland State Delegate
(District 46)
Presentation: “2024 Transit Initiatives and Legislation”
Synopsis: Delegate Robbyn Lewis serves the 46th District in Baltimore City and will provide an update on her transit policy for the upcoming 2024 Legislative Session. She will also discuss the upcoming city-wide Transit Summit she is spearheading as Chair of the Baltimore City House Delegation Transportation Subcommittee.

Stuart (Stu) Sirota, AICP
Interim Deputy Director, Planning
Baltimore City Department of Transportation
Presentation: “What’s New at BCDOT’s Planning Division?”
Synopsis: Stu Sirota, AICP, Interim Deputy Director, Planning at the Baltimore City Department of Transportation will share the latest updates on topics of interest such as Safe Streets for All/Toward Zero, Community Placemaking, Complete Streets, and other important planning initiatives at the Department, as well as contracted transportation services including the Charm City Circulator, Dockless Vehicle Program, and marine transit services.
If you wish to receive the Zoom link for this meeting please contact
Closed captioning will be available throughout the online meeting.
All are welcome!
Thank you.