Transit Choices remains committed to reaching out to transit agencies and other related sources for the latest information and updates on the state of public transportation. We have also been participating in webinars and podcasts which have broadened our horizons and provided key insights into charting a new path forward. In that spirit, we are pleased to share the following Transportation News & Information with you.
Maryland Department of Planning l Smart Growth America
WALKINAR II: Equity and Walkability: Improving Pedestrian Infrastructure in Underserved Neighborhoods,
October 13, 2022 – National conversations about equity have expanded into the pedestrian realm and have prompted increasing numbers of communities to examine how to improve pedestrian infrastructure in underserved neighborhoods. Nondrivers represent nearly one quarter of the population and yet often are not included in planning and policymaking discussions. This session looked at how nondrivers are organizing to improve pedestrian infrastructure to better serve people of all ages, as well as those who cannot drive, do not have access to a car, or who cannot afford to own or maintain a vehicle. Watch the Walkinar
American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
Transit Workforce Shortage: Root Causes, Potential Solutions, and the Road Ahead
New research provides best practices for recruiting, hiring, and retaining transit operations workers
October 10, 2022 – Public transportation providers across North America face a shortage of operators and mechanics during a period of economic instability and reshuffling exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order for the public transportation industry to better understand the workforce shortage’s causes and provide best practices for recruiting, hiring, and retaining transit operations workers, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has produced a new report entitled Transit Workforce Shortage: Root Causes, Potential Solutions, and the Road Ahead. This new study not only outlines the nature and severity of the transit workforce shortage, but the report also highlights what agencies and the industry can do to deal with these workforce issues by combining background research and the results from surveys of public transit agencies.
Greater Washington Board of Trade
WEBINAR: The Future of Bus Data
October 7, 2022 – The Greater Washington Board of Trade hosted a webinar with transportation experts and business leaders to talk about the benefits of collecting and using bus data to strengthen transportation growth for the region. The webinar is part of MetroNow’s Bus Champions Webinar Series that promotes bus transit in the region so it can evolve alongside rail transit and is not left behind, as the area is projected to grow by 1.5 million people in the next 20 years. Watch the Webinar
Maryland Department of Planning l Smart Growth America
WALKINAR I: National Perspectives on Walking and Pedestrian Safety: Where We Are and How We Move Forward,
October 6, 2022 – The 2022 Walktober Walkinar series kicked off with a look at national efforts on pedestrian safety, where things stand and how the country is moving forward. The series began with the Honorable Thomas B. Chapman, a member of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) who highlighted the NTSB most wanted highway safety improvement items. Specifically, he highlighted the importance of the safe system approach to traffic safety in protecting vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and bicyclists. Watch the Walkinar
American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
Public Transportation Ridership Rises to More than 70 Percent of Pre-Pandemic Levels
Return to office, school fueling ridership recovery, per latest APTA data
September 28, 2022 – According to APTA’s Ridership Trends Dashboard, the public transportation industry saw ridership rebound to more than 70 percent of pre-pandemic levels in September, a continuation of an upward trend reflective of a nation emerging from the pandemic. Throughout the course of this pandemic, transit systems have provided mobility to essential workers and earned riders’ trust every day by remaining vigilant about their health, safety, and cleaning protocols as new variants of the coronavirus continued to emerge. Even though workers in many cities continue to work from home, at least on a part-time basis, we are seeing steady growth in ridership and are optimistic those trends will continue. As the latest data shows, public transportation continues to move people and shape the future of our communities. APTA’s Ridership Trends Dashboard helps the public transit industry track ridership trends in real time. This tool, built in partnership with the Transit app, allows APTA members and the public to compare ridership between agencies, regions, and national trends.
Greater Washington Board of Trade
WEBINAR: Top Issues for Maryland in 2023
September 14, 2022 – Maryland Senate President, Bill Ferguson and Maryland Speaker of the House, Adrienne A. Jones joined a discussion on regional policies, priorities and issues impacting the business community. Mental health, transportation and workforce development were among the top issues that legislators will address in the 2023 Maryland General Assembly. A key theme throughout the discussion was the importance of a clear line of communication with the District and Virginia as well as the business community to create a more prosperous, accessible, and livable region. Watch the Webinar
Thank you.