Robin Budish, Art Cohen, Kelly Cross, Peter Duvall, Kathy Epstein, Paulo Gregory Harris, Jeff LaNoue, Robbyn Lewis, Ed Myers, Klaus Philipsen, Jimmy Rouse, Sandy Sparks, Yolanda Takesian
Welcome and Introductions:
Kelly Cross welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.
Results of February 21, 2014 high-level working group meeting:
Robin Budish reported that the high-level working group meeting with the City, State, BCDOT and the MTA to review and discuss the Transit Choices “Quick Hits” list was very productive. All parties agreed to work cooperatively on the implementation of the “Quick Hits” in a coordinated effort. The plan of action moving forward is to meet quarterly with the City, State, BCDOT and MTA to discuss progress on implementation of the “Quick Hits.” Monthly, we will be meeting with staff members at these agencies. The first meeting is scheduled for April 17, 2014.
Further discussion of next steps towards a long term vision of Rail Transit in Baltimore:
Jimmy Rouse discussed a longer range vision for transit and polled the group about adding a potential streetcar network to the mix. Given that there was consensus from the group to further explore the role of streetcars as another potential transit mode, Jimmy suggested doing a streetcar feasibility study which would cost approximately $75,000. Jimmy then introduced Ed Myers and Yolanda Takesian from Kittelson & Associates to speak to the group about streetcar feasibility studies they have completed both in Baltimore and other cities. Specifically, Yolanda mentioned that she has been working for the last couple of years on the DC streetcar project and suggested the study address what rail can do for the city of Baltimore and how it supports economic development. We should also look at short term mapping, gaps in the system and creating synergy with existing gaps.
Streetcar Discussion Points:
- Sandy Sparks – continuity and connectivity are important when designing a transit system.
- Paulo Gregory Harris – the streetcar study should look at the broad economic development opportunities and take into consideration all strata of citizens. It is also important to have renderings as part of the streetcar study.
- Robbyn Lewis – equity in economic development is key and is interwoven in the morality of a larger community development investment.
- Klaus Philipsen – when discussing community oriented transit, equity and community are key. The study needs to make the “case” for streetcars. How can streetcars fill a gap and not be perceived as a “yuppie” toy?
- Jeff LaNoue – the streetcar study should not take the focus off the work we are doing to implement the Transit Choices “Quick Hits” list of short term, high visibility, high impact improvements to our transit system.
Meeting Calendar:
All agreed to hold the next Rail Transit Work group meeting on April 14, 2014.
Other Discussion Topics:
- Kelly Cross provided an update on the recent “Transit Tour” that he led with Jolene Ivey (Doug Gansler 2014 gubernatorial running mate), Klaus Philipsen and others. The tour which was designed to bring awareness about improving Baltimore’s mass transit system, traveled to destinations such as Charles and State Centers, experienced ridership on the Light Rail, walked North Avenue and ended at Baltimore Penn Station. Jolene commented that it was not pleasant to walk some of these areas and pointed out the lack of signage at many of these destinations. Further, Klaus Philipsen added that Jolene and others were dumbfounded by both the ticket machines and turn styles inside the rail stations as well as the lack of signage at all transit stops.
- There appears to be both receptivity and the political will to make mass transit improvements on and along North Avenue.
- Paulo Gregory Harris agreed to chair a new work group “Creating Intersections” which will identify intersections where we can make significant safety and pedestrian improvements. The following individuals agreed to participate in the work group: Art Cohen, Robbyn Lewis, Yolanda Takesian, Kathy Epstein, Kelly Cross
- Robbyn Lewis – Baltimore needs a transit phone app to deliver “real time” data on bus (and other transit modes) arrival information. Klaus Philipsen responded that the MTA Administrator, Robert Smith said there would be a mobile app available this year with 100% roll out in 2015.
- Art Cohen – we should look at the comprehensive transit system that Philadelphia has built to see how they have successfully filled in the gaps funded transit projects.
Creating Intersections/Complete Streets Discussion Points:
- Ed Myers – rather than focus on just complete streets, think about complete corridors.
- Paulo Gregory Harris – create five “pilot” intersections utilizing as many “Quick Hits” as possible to build public awareness and good will. Integrate shelters and components of complete streets at the intersections.
- Klaus Philipsen – include pedestrian safety as part of a pilot intersection.
- Yolanda Takesian – real time bus arrival should be part of the intersection improvements.
- Suggested “pilot” intersections: Charles Street before Penn Station, points along North Avenue. All of the Transit Choices work groups will be invited to make further intersection recommendations.