Quick Hits
Enhanced maps accessible both physically and electronically.
Why: Transit users should have easy access to available routes and be able to plan trips that utilize one or more transit modes. In addition to visual tools such as maps, an app or program that helps plot out options will lead to more passengers and better satisfied customers of transit options.
GPS tracking for real-time data.
Why: Transit riders dislike waiting more than a few minutes and many with a choice will choose not to ride without knowing a bus or train is close. With real- time GPS, the general public, passengers, and management can all track buses and trains, leading to increased ridership, improved customer service, better transfers and less waiting.
Advocacy for Circulator extensions.
Why: The Charm City Circulator has proven to be a valuable resource that is well utilized.
Passengers appreciate the free ride and timely service. Traffic congestion in these corridors is reduced when riders don’t drive. Expanding the CCC into these areas just outside current service will increase ridership and transit options.
Require fixed-route public transit providers to publish schedule data using General Transit Feed Specification.
Why: GTFS schedule data will allow people to develop tools that plan trips, model scenarios and identify transit options.
Improve bus rider experience with clear road markings, resurfacing, and enhanced lighting.
Why: Almost everyone is like a tourist when it comes to riding transit. Transit riders expect and deserve reliable service, easily understood travel patterns, effective transfers and safe waiting zones. Usable bus lanes, two way streets, properly surfaced and serviced roads and safe, well-lit stops and transfer points all inspire confidence and lead to better experiences. Rush hour parking restrictions are a safety consideration for pedestrians who are used to the protection of parked vehicles and many drivers use the open lanes for aggressive driving. Consistency and safety are more valuable than speed. Better signage will help the everyday tourist become an everyday rider. Making these improvements will lead to better service and ultimately more riders.
Work Group Members
“Jill Sorensen, Chair“,BEVI
Darcy Accardi,Baltimore Collegetown
Rufus Davis,MICA
Charlie Duff,Jubilee Baltimore
Dan Engelberg,Intern
Paolo/Gregory Harris,Ingoma Foundation
Mark Heishman,Veolia Transdev
Bob Hellauer,Greater Baltimore Committee
Steve Holt,Citizens Planning and Housing Association
Luke Mowbray,University of Maryland
Anikwenze Ogbue, McCormick Taylor
Charles Penny, McCormick Taylor
Caroline Peri,Downtown Partnership of Baltimore
Sallye Perrin,Parsons Brinckerhoff
Steven Rivelis,”Campaign Consultation, Inc.”
Kristin Speaker,Charles Street Development Corporation
Ben Stone,Station North
Raven Thompson,Baltimore Development Corporation
Michael Walk,MTA
Ashley Wallace,Central Baltimore Partnership